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2023 Winner

Bedri Diril

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The Board of Directors of the Assyrian Studies Association is pleased to announce that the Children's/Popular Book Grant winner of $3,000 has been awarded to Bedri Diril. The funds were used to finance the publication of Bedri's book entitled, Assyrian Folk Tales.

2021 Winner

Romane Iskaria


The Board of Directors of the Assyrian Studies Association is pleased to announce that the Children's/Popular Book Grant winner of $500 has been awarded to Romane Iskaria. The funds were used to finance the production of Romane's photo books entitled, Assyrians.

2020 Winner(s)

Rachel Sarah Thomas

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The Board of Directors of the Assyrian Studies Association is pleased to announce that the Children's/ popular Book Grant winner of $2,000 has been awarded to Rachel Sarah Thomas. The funds were used for editing her manuscript, A Tree in Iraq.

Sarah Ego

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The Board of Directors of the Assyrian Studies Association is pleased to announce that the Children's/ popular Book Grant winner of $1,000 has been awarded to Sarah Ego. The funds were used for translation services towards her book project entitled Safrune.

Ashor Sworesho

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The Board of Directors of the Assyrian Studies Association is pleased to announce that the Children's/ popular Book Grant winner of $500 has been awarded to Ashor Sworesho. The funds were used towards the completion of his book project.

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